San Carlo, potato chips packaging.

    The San Carlo white pack has been a revolution when it appeared on the shelves of the Italian supermakets in early 2000.

    In 2002, Oliviero Toscani (then creative director at San Carlo) asked me to design a new packaging for potatoe chips following the “healthy like” brief from the client.
    Up till then, “party snacks” packagings had always been glossy, very colourful and had an agressive use of typography. Every brand was trying to “shout” stronger than the competitor. Doing research for few months in Europe, North America and Southeast Asia I collected nearly hundred packs. On the day of the presentation, I covered the meeting table with packs, also with San Carlo’s ones (indistinguishable), then I dropped very slowly on top an opaque sheet of white paper and I said “here we have to start from scratch”. I presented only one proposal and the president immediately approved.

    Selected in ADI Index – Italy, 2004
    for XX° Compasso d’Oro

    sacchetti-classicaThe opaque white packaging revolution. 2002.


    Packaging design for the Potatoe chips family. 2002.

    Packaging design for Più Gusto family. 2012-2014.

    rustica cracco-sacchetti-2014

    Packaging design for Rustica with famous chef Carlo Cracco’s recipes. 2014.


    San Carlo Junior logotype. 2003.

    sacchetti-juniorPackaging design for San Carlo Junior.


    Pages from the 2012 calendar.


    Pages from the 2011 calendar.



    Pages from the 2010 calendar.
